Social Distancing Guidelines
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Outland Bike Club has adopted extra precautions against the spread of the disease. While it is impossible to eliminate risk entirely, following the recommendations of USA Cycling can help to drastically reduce this risk during group rides and meetings.
Group Ride Precautions
Key Principles to Understand
- The virus that causes COVID-19 is easily spread, but also controllable
- Similar to influenza, not measles or chickenpox.
- • The virus is primarily spread through direct contact and droplets.
- Aerosolized spread may be possible but is much more likely in enclosed spaces.
- • The virus is primarily spread through direct contact and droplets. On bike, outdoor activities are probably the lower risk of infection. So pay at least as much attention to the off bike activities.
- • You have the responsibility to not spread the virus and to not contract the virus.
Are Group Rides Safe?
- • Solo rides are safer than group rides.
- • Small group rides with close contacts are likely safe.
- • Small group rides with individuals other than close contacts can be risky, but that risk can be mitigated with some simple behavioral changes (see below).
- • Large group rides with people that you don’t know are not recommended currently.

How Do we Make Training / Small Group Rides Safer?
- • All riders should be symptom free for 14 days
- • Symptoms = fever, chill fatigue, cough, URI symptoms, body aches, loss of smell or taste.
- • The days of being a “hard man” and going to work or the group ride when you are feeling sick are over. Stay home, train solo.
- • All riders should be free of risk factors for contracting the virus.
- • Travel to area of spread, contact with known or suspected COVID-19 patients.
- Changes in behavior to make the ride safer
- Principle: Each rider has 2 responsibilities:
- 1. Assume that you have the virus and don’t spread it to the other riders
- • Mask: wear a cloth mask to prevent droplet spread
- • This is not intended to filter the air, just contain droplets
- • Bring a spare mask
- • Reduce droplets: if you have to sneeze, cough, blow your nose, etc. drop back and ensure that no one is in your slip stream.
- • Distance: ride side by side or more than 20 feet behind.
- • The farther away the better, but with a mask and low risk riding partners, distances of 20 feet are likely safe.
- 2. Assume that other riders have the virus and don’t catch it from them.
- • Mask: to prevent you from touching your mouth, nose, face or eyes
- • Not intended to filter the air.
- • No contact: no passing of water bottles, food, etc.
- • Clean your hands before eating, touching your face, etc.
- • Hand sanitizer is very effective and easily transported.
- • Clean equipment after the ride.
- • Disinfectant wipes, soap and water, 70% isopropyl alcohol all work